About Cornwall Family History Society

About Cornwall Family History Society

Since its beginning in 1976, the society has aimed to become a ‘centre of excellence’ by encouraging Cornish family history research. This is being achieved by publishing a quarterly Journal, co-ordinating the transcription and indexing of over 5 million original records, maintaining a research library in Truro for members and the general public and offering a means of worldwide contact and exchange of information between members.

Cornwall Family History Society LogoThe society was formed in 1976 and now has a great many active members. Many live outside Cornwall with members in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA and other countries. The society maintains a Research Library in Truro for society members and the general public. One of the main aims of the society is encouraging research into Cornish family history. Another aim is the co-ordination, transcribing and indexing of original records by volunteer members and one part time clerical assistant after with one full-time paid administrator.

This information is stored in a large database which is available to members able to visit Truro or online to Cornwall Family History Society members for a small extra fee. Cornwall Family History Society is a UK registered non-profit charity with one full-time paid administrator and one part time clerical assistant. The library and office in Truro are staffed by society volunteers. The society is run by an elected executive committee who are the trustees of the charity. A journal is published quarterly, free to members, and is one of the main means of sharing contacts within our membership. The bulk of the editorial is provided by the members.

Cornwall Family History society is a member of the Federation of Family History Societies. The society has established contact with other organisations that have similar interests – ranging from Kresen Kernow, our local record office in Cornwall to local history societies and other family history groups at home and abroad.

The society’s research library at 18 Lemon Street, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 2LS is open to all and staffed by volunteer members (there is a charge for non-members).

Opening Hours


11.00 to 15.00


closed all day


11.00 to 15.00


11.00 to 15.00


By appointment only


10.00 to 13.00
(currently only the first Saturday of the month)


closed all day​

CFHS Library
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