Cornwall Family History Society News

December 11, 2019

Family History Research Challenges and How To Solve Them by Ian Waller is now available

New: Family History Research Challenges and How To Solve Them by Ian Waller

About this book…

As every family historian encounters an ancestor who mysteriously vanishes or avoids officialdom this book is a guide to suggest to you the many resources and research strategies that have proven to help resolve research challenges or even demolish the proverbial brick wall.

Most can be overcome by researchers employing characteristics of patience and persistence, increasing their knowledge and expanding the scope of their research. Knowing about the vast number of records generated by our ancestors will help discover vital clues. Many such records are not yet available online so getting your hands dirty in an archive adds to the “thrill of the chase”.

Not being able to resolve an issue centred around the elusive ancestor may be down to inadequate research, not understanding the content of and reason why a particular record was generated or just not being methodical or applying a logical approach to research. Searching for records in which your ancestor appears is not always a simple process. We can easily locate ancestors who made it easy to be found, but we all have ancestors who made it a life-long pursuit not to be found. However, they could not avoid every record, so this book should prove satisfying and help bring your ancestor “out of hiding”.

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