Cornwall Family History Society News

March 27, 2020


Dear Members

I think we are all getting used to seeing ‘We’re currently closed’ messages on the home pages of the various research library websites that we visit. Now a new message is beginning to appear – it reads

‘Following the Government’s roadmap announcement we’re making plans for reopening’.

This hopeful message gives us confidence that things, in general, are looking up. To add to this flowers are emerging from the hedgerows, the sunshine is replacing the rain, the evenings are getting lighter and society is beginning to reopen. Despite this promising outlook your committee still has some difficult decisions to make, most notably when to open our research library in Truro. We have all missed it and eagerly await its reopening, not only to start research again but also to socially interact and talk about our various enquiries.

During the enforced lockdowns your committee has not been idle − far from it – the society still needs managing, the journals need writing, the website need updating and maintenance and new initiatives need following up. As such, new online content is being explored along with refreshing the brand in order to attract new members.

Regarding the library we do have to work carefully and slowly before we reopen. I am sure everyone will understand that the welfare of our volunteers must come first. At our last executive meeting it was decided that the library will remain closed for the foreseeable future with a possible reopening in the summer. Online services are not affected. If resources permit this might prove a good time to freshen up the facilities ready for reopening. Once we do open our doors there is a possibility that we may introduce a booking system and have a rigorous system in place to manage COVID.

We are sure none of this will surprise you. It is a calm and measured approach to the pandemic. We look forward to welcoming you back to the library and to future events, but only when it is safe and right to do so.

Please bear with us and thanks for your continued support.

Paul Holden


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