The 1696 Association Oath Rolls for Cornwall

Transcribed and edited by Richard W Polkinghorne
and Richard G Grylls

In 2016, the society accepted an offer to purchase the sole copyright of the 1696 Cornish Oath Rolls transcriptions, which are the culmination of years of work carried out by Richard G Grylls and Richard W Polkinghorne

This record set contains the names of the Cornish who pledged allegiance to the King

King William lll

The Roll subscribed by Parliament

On Monday, 24 February 1695/6 King William lll went in person to Westminster, where he addressed the hastily convened Houses of Commons and Lords and announced the discovery of an assassination plot against him. He told the members of both Houses that ‘I have received several concurring informations of a design to assassinate me’, and that ‘our enemies at the same time are very forward in their preparations for a sudden invasion of this kingdom’,

A joint party loyal address was delivered to the King later that day at his palace. It was Sir Rowland Gwynne, one of the Members of Parliament from Devonshire, who made the proposal that both Houses should enter into an ‘Association’ pledging themselves to the defence of the King against ‘popish invaders’.  As a result of Gwynne’s proposal, an instrument was drawn up in the Commons setting out the terms of this Association.  The actual wording of the oath was as follows:

‘Whereas there has been a Horrid and Detestable Conspiracy Formed and Carried on by Papists,and other Wicked and Traitorous Persons for Assassinating His Majesty’s Royal Person in Order to encourage an Invasion from France, to subvert our Religion, Laws, and Liberty: We whose Names are hereunto subscribed, do heartily, sincerely and solemnly Profess, Testifie, and Declare, that his Present Majesty, King William, is Rightful and Lawful King of these realms. And we do mutually Promise and Engage to stand by, and assist each other, to the utmost of our Power, in the Support and Defence of His Majesty’s Most Sacred Person and Government, against the Late King James, and all his Adherents. And in case his Majesty come to any Violent or Untimely death, (which God forbid)We do hereby further Freely and Unanimously oblige ourselves to Unite, Associate and stand by each other, in Revenging the same upon his Enemies, and their adherents; and in supporting and defending the Succession of the Crown, according to an Act made in the first Year of the Reign of King William and Queen Mary [1688/9], Intituled an Act Declaring the Rights and Liberties of the Subject, and settling the succession of the Crown.’

The transcriptions are presented by name, parish (including the Isles of Scilly) and also under the headings of Gentry, Tinners and Clergy of the Diocese of Exeter.  Also included are the names of 29 Members of Parliament for Cornish constituencies who signed the Oath in Westminster, recorded in the Journal of the House of Commons for Thursday 27 February 1695/6.

When searching for records, please note that there are numerous variations in the spelling of surnames, so it is recommended that wildcards are used.  For example:

  • Hawk** will find Hawk, Hawker, Hawkey, Hawking, and many others
  • **nkin will find Jenkin, Jenking, Ginking, Tonkin and others
  • Grill** will find Grill, Grills, Grilles
  • Polkin** will find Polkinghorn(e), but sadly not Pulkinghorn

Richard Grylls and Richard Polkinghorne have also produced a 144-page .pdf document which not only includes the list of names, but also historical information and background.  A copy of this is available to purchase in our online shop and we are also working on producing a bound copy which will be available to purchase in the near future.

As a member you can now search the Oath Rolls here

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